How to store hierarchical data in the database
This article considers popular options for storing hierarchical data in SQL and NoSQL databases.
This article considers popular options for storing hierarchical data in SQL and NoSQL databases.
This article explores essential data integration patterns, including ETL, ELT, Change Data Capture (CDC), Data Federation, Data Virtualization, Data Replication, Publish/Subscribe, Request/Reply, and Point-to-Point Integration. Learn how and when to use these patterns for efficient data handling and real-time analytics.
Learn about Change Data Capture (CDC), its use cases, types, advantages, and challenges. Get decision-making guidance for selecting the right CDC method to ensure real-time data updates and integration with systems like data warehouses or analytics platforms.
This article discovers the differences between ETL and ELT processes and how they could be used for data integration.
Choosing the right architecture style is important for applications that should be scalable, maintainable, and aligned with business requirements. Each architecture style has unique characteristics, and the choice can impact how the application performs, scales, and evolves. This article explores the top 10 software architecture styles you should know and their pros, cons, and typical use cases.
In this article we will look at the AgTech domain. Key players in the market, major trends, technologies, development features and development prospects.
In this article we will look at the Gambling domain, key players in the market, main trends, technologies, development features, and development prospects.
В этой статье рассмотрим роадмап, как развиваться и что учить для тех, кто хочет программировать на Rust.
Разработка надежной, масштабируемой системы - это нетривиальная задача. Понимание ключевых концепций и компонентов может сделать этот процесс плавнее. В этой статье мы рассмотрим основные компоненты дизайна системы в виде шпаргалки, которая поможет разработчикам проектировать системы различной сложности.
В этой статье рассмотрим алгоритмы: Geohashing, Quadtree, Consistent hashing, Leaky Bucket, Token Bucket и Trie, которые смогут вам пригодиться на собеседовании по System design